How I Turned Prospector

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This is the story of how I turned this cute face into that of a creepy prospector for Halloween. First of all, I want to give a thank you to this BuzzFeed post. It gives a tutorial for how to braid one’s hair into a Lord of the Rings style beard. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the hair for a full out Gimli beard and so I had to settle for Stinky Pete.

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I had already painted my brows a little darker than usual.

1. Before I started the braiding, I pumped up the stiffness of my hair with gel and curls. Next, I had to create a structure on which to weave my locks. After several tries which failed, I discovered that this three braid structure worked the best. Hair is taken from the sides of my head and braided to attach under my nose and chin. I used those clear little rubberbands that are also used in doll hair. You can look at the BuzzFeed piece for how to create the mustache because she is better at it than I am.

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Cover Girl

2.When all of the braids were secure, I took the top chunk of my hair and pinned it up. That is used for the finishing layer. I then took the bottom layers of my hair and pulled it through the lower 2 braids. I used a crochet hook. It was basically a tangle as I wove my hair through the crisscrosses.

3. Because I am not an avid picture taker, I do not have any photos of this stage. But, you can figure it out from the finished product. In this step, I took down the top layer of my hair and wove it into the braid under my nose. I had to be more careful with this one because it had to look the most authentic. I took tiny pieces and wove them trough the braid.

4. I pumped up my brows with some mascara and added a few tasteful accessories.  If I ran into this guy in the mountains, I would probably run the other way.

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“Gettaway from my claim.”

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